Rehmannia Glutinosa

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Rehmannia Glutinosa

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item number: HB000063               

❡ Rehmannia Glutinosa Root

❡ Traditional Uses
Medicinally in Oriental medicine to replenish vitality, to strengthen the liver,
kidney and heart and for treatment of a variety of ailments like diabetes,
constipation, anemia, urinary tract problems, dizziness and regulation of
menstrual flow.

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Botanical Name : Rehmannia Glutinosa

About Rehmannia

Rehmannia is a perennial herb with reddish-violet flowers native to China, Japan and Korea. Its common name is Chinese Foxglove. Rehmannia's root is used medicinally in Oriental medicine to replenish vitality, to strengthen the liver, kidney and heart and for treatment of a variety of ailments like diabetes, constipation, anemia, urinary tract problems, dizziness and regulation of menstrual flow.

Nutritional Role of Rehmannia

Rehmannia contains Vitamins A, B, C, amino acids, cerebroside, dammelittoside, melittoside, rehmaglitin and other substances that have anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. It helps prevent depletion of glycogen for hypoglycemia and helps disperse heat from the body. Its astringent compounds help stop bleeding of ulcers and reduce inflammation of the digestive system. Other compounds work to reduce capillary fragility and help protect the adrendal glands and liver function. Rehmannia tonifies the blood and helps with deficiencies, working as a blood tonic.

Traditional Uses of Rehmannia

    • For anti-inflammatory properties For antifungal properties 
    • For diuretic effects 
    • For vitality 
    • For menstruation 
    • For anemia and fatigue 
    • For blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol 
    • For circulation 
    • For urinary tract
    • For digestion and constipation

Research on the Historical Usage Guidelines of Rehmannia

Rehmannia is considered a relatively safe herb and no adverse reactions or drug interactions are known. Mild side effects one might experience when first taking Rehmannia include diarrhea, abdominal pain, dizziness, or palpitations.

Rehmannia Facts for Informational Purposes Only 

Readers should not use this information for self-diagnosis or self-treatment, but should always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any major dietary changes. This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice.

Advice to consumers
Some individuals may have adverse reactions to certain plants, herbs, and other natural products. 
Just because something is natural does not mean it is safe for everyone. 
On any issue where no specific advice is given to consumers please follow this general advice if you are currently taking the product:

you are advised to discontinue use and consult your pharmacist or herbal medical doctor. 
when speaking to your doctor of pharmacist you may find it helpful to take a copy of this MHRA advice about the product with you
you should continue to take any medication prescribed by your doctor.





4.25 In stock