Morus Alba(White Mulberry) Branch

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Morus Alba(White Mulberry) Branch

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item number: HB000077               

❡ Morus Alba(White Mulberry) Branch

❡ Use in Traditional Herbalism
Anti-rheumatic, Anti-spasmodic, Diuretic, Alterative, Headaches, Insomnia,
Constipation, Lungs and bronchioles, Helps reduce edema. 

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Morus alba:
Similar to Red mulberry but the leaves are less hairy and coarsely toothed, often with 3-5 lobes. Fruits are whitish to purple

Morus rubra:
Red mulberry is a tree that grows to a height of 60-70 feet; the alternate, serrate (heart-shaped) leaves are cordate, rough (sandpapery) on top and soft or hairy beneath, and palmately lobed to simple. Flowers are in tight, drooping clusters. The purplish-red fruit, not a true berry, is made up of many small drupes.

Another variety: Black mulberry (M. nigra) is a European and Asian tree which is also cultivated in the United States, particularly in the South and in California. It grows to 30 feet tall and bears purple to black fruit. Medicinally, its bark is equivalent to that of red mulberry. 





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4.50 In stock