Safflower - (Carthamus tinctorious) petals produce brilliant pinks, orange-reds and corals use at 100%-200% Weight of Fiber/Fabric Soak petals multiple times to release yellow. Once yellow is exhausted pink will appear
Works best on silk PH sensitive Instructions for use included
Health Benefits
alcoholic hepatitis, skin
For vegetable dyes, simmer in one cup vinegar and four cups water. Boil for one hour. Rinse the article of clothing in cold water, and then let soak in the natural dye until it reaches desired color.
Product Package
Powder, Pouch
Good herbal formulation
Jujube, Rhizome of Atractylodes lancea, Longan Fruit
Storage Temperature
room temperature
Country of origin
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Safflower was used to dye the red cotton tapes of legal documents and it is the source of the expression “Red Tape”.
Safflower is one of man’s oldest crops and its flower petals were used as a dye in India, the Far East and Egypt. Indeed the name Carthamus comes from the Arabic, and means “dye”. It produces both red and yellow dyes that can be extracted from the flower petals, although the reds are more important.
Dyeing with Safflower
You will need equal weights of dried petals and fibre. Safflower petals produce two low quality yellow dyes and a good, although not very lightfast, red dye which ranges through pinks, rose and crimson. The first yellow dye should be washed away in cold water. Only then can the reds be extracted first in an alkaline and then in an acidic solution.
The reds are suitable for silk and cotton and do not require the use of a mordant. Silk takes up both the red and the second yellow dye, turning orange, whilst cotton takes up only the red. Liles and Dean describe a lengthy process for extracting and using this dye.
How To
How to make homemade DYE with Healthy Natural Powder : For fruit dyes, simmer the fabric in 1/4 cup salt and 4 cups water. For vegetable dyes, simmer in one cup vinegar and four cups water. Boil for one hour. Rinse the article of clothing in cold water, and then let soak in the natural dye until it reaches desired color.
How much DYE to purchase: All natural dyeing is based on wog or wof - weight of goods or weight of fabric For example 1 pound of fabric = 16 ounces or 453.59237 grams Round up to 500 grams multiply the % of Herb Powder x the wog/wof
For 1 pound Cotton, Silk or Wool
Use 100-200% WOF
100% Herb x 500 grams fabric = 17.63 ounces or 500 grams of Herb 150% Herb x 500 grams fabric = 26.45 ounces or 750 grams of Herb 200% Herb x 500 grams fabric = 35.27 ounces or 1000 grams of Herb
Notice : Because of herb characteristics, opened product can be contaminated with foreign substances, molds and others by air contact and worms can be found so please use as soon as possible and seal the package tightly in case of refrigerator.
Not recommended for pregnant women.
DISCLAIMER Some individuals may have adverse reactions to certain plants, herbs, and other natural products. On any issue where no specific advice is given to consumers please follow this general advice; if you are currently taking the product; you are advised to discontinue use and consult your pharmacist or herbal medical doctor. When speaking to your doctor or pharmacist you may find it is helpful to take a copy of this MHRA advice about the product with you. You should continue to take any medication prescribed by your doctor.
Frequently Asked Questions
A: Generally you boil 20g of tea/herb with 2L. of water. The ratio does not matter. However, it is recommended that you control the saturation of the tea (how strong it is) depending on your personal preference and body condition.
A: It depends on the tea/herb. For leaves: boil for 15~20 min. For hard fruits, roots, and stems: If you soak the tea/herb in water for 1~2 hours before boiling, you can save time in boiling, and also get a deeper flavor than without soaking.
A: Currently, what is listed on the site is what we mostly deal with in retail stores. However, if there is a certain tea/herb that you wish to get, you can send an email to or 844-344-0622. Then, we may offer a price for obtaining the tea/herb, answer questions, and even offer purchase.
A: Yes, you can combine 5~10g of teas/herbs that you already have with's teas/herbs. Although brewing one tea/herb is still good, combining 2~3 teas/herbs helps bring out the remedial effects of the tea/herbs better than brewing just one tea/herb. However, most tea/herbs contain natural toxins, and it is recommended that you boil 1~2 pieces of liquorice root along with the tea/herb to remove the toxin.