Ladybell Root (Adenophora triphylla)

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Ladybell Root (Adenophora triphylla)

Ladybell Root (Adenophora triphylla)

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item number: HB000116               

❡ Dried Ladybell Root (Radix Adenophorae) 110g

❡ Use in Traditional Herbalism
Anti-cancerous properties, Strengthens immune system,
Clear heat from the lung and help expel yellow sticky phlegm. 

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Adenophora root is the dried root of a small perennial plant called Adenophora Triphylla, commonly known as Lady Bell.
Adenophoras typically grow to about 3 feet tall and are native to east Asia. They grow throughout the mountains and lowlands of China, Japan, and Korea where there is bright sunlight and moist soil. In China, this plant is mostly cultivated in provinces like Anhui, Jiangsu, and Sichuan.
Adenophora flowers, which contain both male and female organs, bloom in September, with seeds ripening in October. Adenophora roots are then harvested in the Spring and Fall.
Once harvested, adenophora roots are striped of its outer layer of skin and sun dried for medicinal use as an herb.
Adenophora roots are almost flavorless, with only a light sweet taste and a slight bitterness to them.




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