Organic White Dandelion Loose Leaf

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Organic White Dandelion Loose Leaf

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item number: HB000053               
❡Organic White Dandelion Loose Leaf

Good for Gastritis, Gastric ulcer, Fatigue, Respiratory disease,
Indigestion, Constipation

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Dandelion Leaf (Taraxacum officinale) offers a number of benefits for the liver andgallbladder. A natural diuretic, Dandelion Leaf is commonly used to help remove excess water and toxins from the body. Dandelion Leaf helps promote bile excretion from the liver so the body can more efficiently process foods and liquids while also purging harmful toxins. In addition, improved bile flow makes it possible for the body to better metabolize fat, which helps optimize the body’s cholesterol levels.

Dandelion Leaf is also effective at stimulating a sluggish gallbladder, which is responsible for storing and excreting bile as the body needs it. This natural herb is effective at promoting blood purity, which helps reduce the burden placed on the liver to filter out toxins. By helping to purify the blood, Dandelion Leaf allows the liver to more effectively perform its function.

Benefits of Organic Dandelion Leaf

A natural source of minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and iron
Provides the Vitamins A, B, C, and D
Acts as a blood purifying agent
A mild laxative for constipation symptoms
Contains the antioxidant luteolin
Stimulates urinary function to help flush out toxins (diuretic)
Promotes optimal digestive function
Supports normal bile production (cholagogue)
Nourishes and boosts overall liver (hepatic) performance
Dandelion Leaf also serves to protect the liver from damage. Many people use the herb to cleanse their liver after drinking excess amounts of alcohol or after eating unhealthful foods. As a matter of fact, if you are taking prescription drugs such as antibiotics, Dandelion Leaf may flush them out of your bloodstream at a faster than normal rate. Therefore, you should be aware of any potential conflicts (known as contraindications) between this herbal ingredient and medications.

Organic Dandelion Leaf Contraindications

Consuming it may increase side effects of bipolar medications such as Lithium.
It may interfere with the absorption of a class of antibiotics known as quinolones.
Some individuals develop allergies to the leaf and therefore should not ingest any part of it.
People with endocrine impairment should use caution while taking it, as it may increase urinary function.
Dandelion Leaf also helps stimulate a sluggish digestive system and this aids the body in removing toxins and other waste. As a result, the liver does not have to work as hard to remove toxins that remain in the body.

Dandelion Leaf also helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. This particular benefit aids the liver so it doesn’t have to filter out excess glucose in the blood, a factor that can be very harmful to overall health. Inulin (a special sugar found in Dandelion Leaf) also promotes the growth of healthy bacteria (natural intestinal flora) which in turn serves to discourage the growth of harmful bacteria.

By reducing the amount of harmful bacteria in the body, the liver can focus on the process of toxin removal. Although usually regarded as an herbal supplement, Dandelion Root is a registered drug in Canada, so the flower is obviously well regarded in various cultures for its traditional healing properties.


Dandelion is most often thought of as a pesky weed that takes over in lawns, gardens, meadows, and even pops up in cracked sidewalks and pavement. It is invasive and pervasive. Lucky for us, it is also an excellent food and herbal medicine that anyone can find, grow, and put to use. Dandelion is a very rich source of beta-carotene which we convert into vitamin A. This flowering plant is also rich in vitamin C, fiber, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus. It is a good place to get B complex vitamins, trace minerals, organic sodium, and even vitamin D. Dandelion contains protein too, more than spinach. It has been eaten for thousands of years and used to treat anemia, scurvy, skin problems, blood disorders, and depression. Seeds grow readily in your garden, planter boxes, or pots. If you collect them wild, try to choose ones you know have not been subjected to pesticides, fertilizers, and other chemicals. The ones in your lawn are not the best. Pick them instead from a mountain meadow or abandoned lot. Seeds can be bought or you can gather them from the familiar puff balls you see each summer. Dandelion leaves can also be found fresh in some health food markets or as a freeze-dried herb. Dandelion tea, capsules, and tinctures are also available.

Digestive Aid – Dandelion acts as a mild laxative that promotes digestion, stimulates appetite, and balances the natural and beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

Kidney – This weed-like superfood is a diuretic that helps the kidneys clear out waste, salt, and excess water. This inhibits microbial growth in the urinary system too.

Liver – Dandelion has been shown to improve liver function by removing toxins and reestablishing hydration and electrolyte balance.

Antioxidants – Every part of the dandelion plant is rich in antioxidants that prevent free-radical damage to cells and DNA, slowing down the aging process in our cells.

Cancer – Dandelion acts against cancer to slow its growth and prevent its spread. The leaves are especially rich in the antioxidants and phytonutrients that combat cancer.

Diabetes – Recent animal studies show promise that dandelion helps regulate blood sugar and insulin levels.

High Blood Pressure – As a diuretic dandelion increases urination which then lowers blood pressure. The fiber and potassium in dandelion also regulate blood pressure.

Cholesterol – Animal studies have shown that dandelion lowers and control cholesterol levels.

Gallbladder – Dandelion increases bile production and reduces inflammation to help with gallbladder problems and blockages.

Inflammation – Dandelion contains essential fatty acids and phytonutrients that reduce inflammation throughout the body. This can relieve pain and swelling.

Immune System – Animal studies also show that dandelion boosts immune function and fights off microbes and fungi.

Dandelion leaves, flowers, and roots are all edible. They have a slightly bitter flavor that can be minimized by harvesting them in the fall or spring.
Cooking cuts the bitter flavor as well though the leaves make a great addition to raw salads. Dandelion is generally considered safe in food and medicinal levels. Some people may have allergic reactions to dandelion. Anyone with an allergy to ragweed, chrysanthemum, marigold, chamomile, yarrow, or daisy should avoid dandelion and anyone pregnant, nursing, or taking prescription drugs should talk to a health care professional before adding something new to their diet.

Advice to consumers
Some individuals may have adverse reactions to certain plants, herbs, and other natural products.
Just because something is natural does not mean it is safe for everyone.
On any issue where no specific advice is given to consumers please follow this general advice if you are currently taking the product:

you are advised to discontinue use and consult your pharmacist or herbal medical doctor.
when speaking to your doctor of pharmacist you may find it helpful to take a copy of this MHRA advice about the product with you
you should continue to take any medication prescribed by your doctor.




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