Lotus Leaves 50g

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Lotus Leaves 50g

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item number: HB000123               

◥ Lotus Leaves 50g

◥ Use in Traditional Herbalism
Good for the treatment of Insomnia, (No Caffeine), Calmness,
Weight-loss, Blood purification, High Blood Pressure

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100% From Korea
100% From Nature 

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The lotus plant originated in India and is currently cultivated primarily for food and herbal medicine. All parts of the plant are used, but the primary active ingredients are found in the roots and seeds. A typical medicinal dosage for lotus tea is 6 to 15 grams per day. Lotus is particularly effective in the tea form, as opposed to pills or a tincture for those symptoms with quick onset, because tea is digested much faster than other remedy forms, according to "Acupuncture Today." Additionally, by brewing your own decoction, you are likely to feel more invested in your treatment, which may speed recovery.






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