Barrenwort (Horny Goat Weed/Epipmedium) Loose Leaf

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Barrenwort (Horny Goat Weed/Epipmedium) Loose Leaf

Barrenwort (Horny Goat Weed/Epipmedium) Loose Leaf

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item number: HB000005               

◥ Barrenwort(Horny Goat Weed/Epipmedium) Loose Leaf  50g

◥ Traditional Uses
✓Good for Strengthen stamina, Male enhancer,
✓Strengthens muscles and bone, Infertility, Insensitivity, 
✓Blood circulation, Hypertension, Menstrual irregularity, 
✓Diabetes, Forgetfulness.


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100% From Korea
100% From Nature 

 Horny Goat Weed Powder

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Horny Goats Weed 

The herbal plant known as Horny Goat Weed gets its name from the Latin term "Epipmedium"(often mis-spelt as: Epimedium). Legend in China claims that this weed was ingested by some goats. The herder observed the behavior of the animals after consuming the plant and decided that this plant must contain certain properties associated with aphrodisiacs. After many hundreds of years of use, the specific properties of the plant were identified and their methods of action better understood.

Active Ingredients

One of the principal active ingredients in Horny Goats weed is "icariin". The concentration may determine much of the potency of each particular species of Epimedium. The icariin works by relaxing smooth muscle tissue, which is different from skeletal muscle tissue. The significance of this is that involuntary tension in the internal tissues can be relaxed, which many believe cause the central nervous system to shift from the so-called fight/flight mode into the rest/restore mode. When this change occurs, many elements of a disease tend to reverse because the body is no longer in a stressed condition. Although this many not cure many problems, especially the ones that are in advanced stages, many people use herbs to manage their condition and obtain some relief.


Horny goats Weed is found growing all over the southern areas of China, but can also be found in the Asian countries that immediately border China, as well as some neighboring European countries. The Chinese name is Yin Yang Huo, or Xian Ling Pi, and it is used extensively in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It has become popular in the field of Western alternative medicine for use in treating multiple conditions.

One should realize that although the plant may bear the same name, there are close to 60 species of Epimedium plants and over 15 in China that bears the name "Yin Yang Huo." It might be difficult for the layperson to determine the strength and properties of the plant based on the name alone.





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