[Pyramid Teabags] Lotus Leaf Tea
This beautiful Sacred Lotus is more than just a pretty flower, it’s been used in Chinese Medicine to treat various illnesses for thousands of years! ...
Lotus leaf is a flowering aquatic perennial that grows widely throughout tropical regions of Asia and the Middle East. The pale green leaves are flat and broad, reaching up to 18 inches in diameter. The leaves are usually collected in the summer and autumn and dried before being cut into small pieces, powdered or processed into pills. Lotus leaves are touted to be useful in treating a variety of conditions, including heavy bleeding, diarrhea and muscle spasms.
The lotus has historically played an important role in both the religion and medicine of many cultures. According to Plant Cultures, the lotus "has been held sacred in Asia and the Middle East for over 5,000 years." Texts from India dated to the 11th and 12th centuries discuss meals that feature lotus leaves. The resilient plant was considered a symbol of immortality for the ancient Egyptians who also made use of it in their diet.
The lotus flower is absolutely stunning, vibrant and magnificent. We all love to look at the flower, but what is the leaf good for? Surely the leaf can’t just be good for nutrients to the soil/pond once the plant dies! Nope, sure i’snt! This amazing piece of the plant has many uses all varying in what they are great for!
The leaves can reach a diameter of a whopping eighteen inches! They are collected twice a year in the summer and fall. When they are collected some are dried and some are processed into an herbal extract which is a great astringent! As an astringent, lotus leaf has the ability to stop bleeding, and is used to treat conditions such as blood in urine, blood in vomit, excessive menstrual bleeding.
Lotus Leaf Tea helps with anxiety, stress and, helping your liver to be healthy. According to Chinese medicinal history it invigorates the blood and stops internal bleeding for such conditions as blood in the urine. Lotus Leaf Tea also helps with cardiovascular health because it is full of lots of great anti-oxidants and can increase coronary blood flow and lower blood pressure!