Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)

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Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)

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item number: HB0000133               

◥ Dried Wormwood / Artemisia absinthium 3oz ( 86g )

◥ Use in Traditional Herbalism
- Stimulating the digestive tract and gallbladder function
- Effective trigger of producing excessive amounts of bile which aids in the function of the gallbladder
- Typically mixed with peppermint and/or caraway (in a tea) to aid in the calming of heartburn and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
- Stimulate feminine menstruation.
- Stimulates cerebral hemispheres and directly stimulates the cortex cerebri which may aid in nervous diseases like neurasthenia
- Common muscle relaxant
- May help to quicken the process of childbirth and help with the expulsion of the afterbirth (it is not recommended however due to the toxicity of the herb)
- Known to treat anxieties by being used a mild sedative
- Stimulates poor circulation and aids in the relief of painful rheumatic joints by using the leaves a compress

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Wormwood is known from antiquity and it is mentioned in the antique texts of Plinio, Avicenna and the "Salernitan School".
It is used in all the diseases with lack of acidity of the digestive system.


Description of Wormwood plant

Wormwood is a rustic herb. The whole herb is 60 - 120cm tall and has a grey-white color. The leaves are divided into long lobs. The flowers are light-yellow and they have a powerful perfume due to the etheric oil they contain. It blooms from July to September. It is highly spread in Eurasia and the Middle East and it grows on dry and uncultivated lands.

Only the leaves and the high stalks are used for medical purposes. The leaves must be picked before blooming, in May - June, and the flowers in July - August, when the blooming is complete. Drying must be done in the shade, in dry and breezy places.

Properties and benefits of Wormwood plant

Wormwood contains absinthine, bitterish glucose, absinthol, tannin, chlorophyll and malic acid. The essence contains thujone, tanacetone, azulene and cadinene (which increase the muscular tonus and activates over the areas where the epileptic crises appear). It also contains vitamins B6 and C. it is a powerful tonic, antiseptic, antidiarrheic, antipyretic and it regulates the menstruation.


Because it is a digestive tonic, wormwood increases bile secretion when it is administrated as infusion. If it is administrated as powder (0.5 - 2g in honey or sugar) it helps the human body reduce fever.

Infusion is also good against belly worms and oxiuris. For intestinal worms, the wormwood tincture is recommended to be administrated in 9 days long cures.

The bitter compounds and volatile oil components have an excitant action over gastric secretion, they are anti-inflammatory and anthelmintic. Wormwood increase diuresis and can be used as a laxative.

Internally, wormwood is recommended for the treatment of liver insufficiency, kidney oedema, anemia and absence of the menstrual cycle. It is also good for anxiety and gout and it is generally good for all the diseases that involve the retention of water in tissues.

Wormwood is a good cicatrizing. The infusion can be used to treat ulcerations and the oil can be applied on wounds.




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