Sanjivini Booti (Selaginella Bryopteris)
Selaginella bryopteris, known commonly as sanjeevini and sanjivini booti.
Selaginella bryopteris (Devanagari:संजीवनी) is a lithophytic plant that is native to India. It is used medicinally in India and is one of the plants that is considered as a candidate to be the mythical sanjeevani (also called "sanjeevini"or "sanjivini booti") plant.
The popular name sanjeevani translates as "one that infuses life," and derives from a plant that appears in the Ramayana. Other medicinal plants are also called sanjeevani. The botanical identity of the plant described in the Ramayana is unclear, although Selaginella bryopteris has been suggested as a candidate.[1]
Sanjeevani grows on the hills of tropical areas, particularly in the Aravalli Range of mountains in India. Traditional uses include relief from heat stroke, dysuria, irregular menstruation, and jaundice, but the effectiveness has not been scientifically validated.
Selaginella bryopteris is full of medicinal properties, hence also known as ‘Sanjeevani’ (one that infuses life). Indian prehistory’s most famous medicinal herb, Sanjeevani booti, is now being studied by scientists for its most gifted quality, being able to survive even without water.
From time immemorial, generations in India and other countries have grown up hearing the grand Hindu Epic Ramayana. In this world famous epic, there is also a description of a wonder herb called as Sanjeevani booti (Life giving herb), which according to the popular belief had given life to the dying Lakshman, the younger brother of Lord Shree Ram.
Since then, the question of existence of such life-giving herb has been floating in the minds of people. According to the Ramayana, the Sanjeevani booti is found in the Indian Himalayas and has the unique property of bioluminescence, which helps in its easy identification.