Goji berries have been used in traditional Chinese medicine to manage diabetes, high blood pressure, fever, age-related eye problems and fatigue associated with living at high altitudes. Goji berries are eaten raw, cooked, or dried (like raisins) and are used in herbal teas, juices, wines and medicines.
Horny Goat Weed is often used to treat osteoporosis and various sexual dysfunctions. However, other uses of the plant include the treatment of hypertension, bronchitis, coronary heart disease, polio and more. This makes sense because the active ingredient works on smooth muscle tissue. This is the tissues that surround the heart. When the heart muscles are under strain, it is easy to visualize how this can cause other problems in the surrounding affected systems.
Secondary benefits can also occur when the smooth muscle tissues relax. The health benefits could extend to relieving fatigue in both the mind and the body, as this herb is employed for this purpose in TCM. It has been used to treat joint pain, numbness, memory problems, painful or cold low back and/or knees, as well as irregular menstrual cycles, spermatorrhea, and impotence. It has been cited as producing an anti-aging effect and can improve the immune system as well as the endocrine system.
Lespedeza Cuneata G. Don (Cuneata Bush Clover) called Natural viagra.
One of the primary benefits of Fructus Rubi according to traditional Chinese medicine is alleviation of excessive urination. It helps invigorate the kidneys and livers by entering the meridians of those two organs, at which point it shrinks the volume of the urine "basin," thereby reducing the need to urinate as frequently.