Kali Musli (Curculigo Orchioides Roots)
CAUTION : warn strongly ; Soak with used water from washing rice during one day, then roast 20min or more. (for Detoxification process)
Top Benefits of Kali Musli
According to Ayurveda, the roots of Kali musli are aphrodisiac, alternative, fattening and appetizer. Following are some of the medicinal uses of Kali musli according to Ayurveda-
Male Libido Loss: Crush root of black musli and make it into powder form. Take 250gms of this powder and mix 50ml of honey to it. Take 1/4tsp of this solution 2 times a day for 1-2 weeks to see the benefits
Leucorrhea: Mix 5grms of powder made out of its roots with jaggery and take it 2 times a day. To get relief from the problem you might want to take it for minimum 3-4 days
Jaundice: Mix 5grms of root powder in warm milk properly and take is once every day. You could continue your regular medication and take this solution for faster relief. This could aid in fast recovery from the ailment
Dysuria: In case you are suffering from this ailment where the urination is painful and difficult then consume a mixture of 3grms of dried root powder of black musli with warm milk 1 time of your choice in a day
Heartburn: Take 3gms of black musli powder and mix it in milk. Take is once a day. It would help in getting rid of heartburn and stomach gas and other digestion related problems
Skin Problems: Crush the roots and prepare a past out of powder. Apply this on skin to get rid of pimples and rashes. You could also use it as a face pack to get glowing skin
Other Health Benefits
Blood related disorders
Joint pains