Chaenomeles Fruit (Quince)

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Chaenomeles Fruit (Quince)

Chaenomeles Fruit (Quince)

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item number: HB000113               

❡ Chaenomeles Fruit (Quince) 110g

❡ Use in Traditional Herbalism
Cancer prevention, Weight loss, Gastrointestinal disease,
Skin care, Blood pressure, Allergic reactions,
Immune system booster

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Some of the health benefits of quince include its ability to help prevent cancer, aid in weight loss, improve digestive health, reduce cholesterol, boost immune system strength, prevent gastrointestinal diseases, soothes inflammation, increase the health of your skin, decrease blood pressure, prevent allergic reactions, and stimulate circulation in the cardiovascular system.

Quince is a rather unusual fruit that is closely related to apples and pears. Its scientific name is Cydonia oblonga, and it is the only member of its genus Cydonia. The quince tree is deciduous and rather small, while the valuable ripened fruit is yellowish-gold color and somewhat similar to pears in shape and consistency. The value of the fruit as a food item dates back a long time, but the small tree is often grown for its ornamental quality as well, because of its attractive pale pink blossoms.

You can utilize quince in jams, jellies, and puddings, as well as used in a similar way to pears as a side dish or a breakfast food. Different countries use quince in different ways, often using the juice as a flavoring agent. However, the real benefit of quince is eating the skin and the fleshy fruit, since it is packed with beneficial nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, phenolic compounds, antioxidants, and dietary fiber.





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