Cnidium Monnieri (Cnidi Fructus)

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Cnidium Monnieri (Cnidi Fructus)

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item number: HB000108               

❡ Cnidium Monnieri (Torilis japonicus De Cand)

❡ Use in Traditional Herbalism
for increasing sexual performance and sex drive,
and for treating erectile dysfunction (impotence).

vaginitis, uteritis, womb warmer, dermatitis

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Cnidium is a plant that is native to China. It has also been found in the US in Oregon. The fruit, seed, and other plant parts are used as medicine.

Cnidium has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years, often for skin conditions. It’s not surprising that cnidium is a common ingredient in Chinese lotions, creams, and ointments.

People take cnidium by mouth for increasing sexual performance and sex drive, and for treating erectile dysfunction (ED). Cnidium is also used for difficulty having children (infertility), bodybuilding, cancer, weak bones (osteoporosis), and fungal and bacterial infections. Some people also take it to increase energy.

Cnidium is applied directly to the skin for itchiness, rashes, eczema, and ringworm.

How does it work?
Chemicals in cnidium might decrease itching.




How To


3.95 In stock